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Writer's pictureBradley Adams

3 Way Touchless Contact Supports Contact-free Connecting

Updated: Mar 17, 2021

Prepared for any situation, Touchless Contact makes it easy to get connected with friends, colleagues, new connections, and potential prospects. Unlike modern-day business cards, Touchless Contact can handle every type of networking scenario - online or in person - covering the numerous ways you best connect.

Since COVID-19, we’ve had to change how we connect. Standard networking has become impossible, so all of our connecting now happens through online channels. The business card of the next generation needs to succeed in this environment if it will ever have a real impact when making a connection.

Touchless Contact is ready for the challenge. Our flexible delivery methods make Touchless Contact the perfect solution for our current no-contact world. In this article, we will discuss how Touchless Contact is ready for any opportunity to make a connection.

Online Webinar

In 2020, Online webinars became a go-to method for bringing audiences together. Whether it’s for a product demo or a discussion on what’s happening in our industry, These events are great opportunities to meet people and make new connections that could lead to opportunities down the road.

Regardless of whether you’re hosting or attending, Touchless Contact is the perfect tool for maximizing the opportunities at these events. With Touchless Contact, you can share your unique Touchless Contact card throughout the webinar. Connections can download your card and save all of your contact data they need to stay connected. This includes social media profiles, phone numbers (call/text), emails, and websites.

In Videos

Video content has been on the rise for the past several years as a premier medium to engage with audiences. Now, with much of our in person opportunities being put on pause, video may be the only way to extend a personal connection.

Companies and sales professionals alike have been using video as a personal way to share information relevant to their audiences. Why not turn every viewer into a possible connection?

With Touchless Contact, your card’s QR code can be embedded right within the video, so every viewer has the opportunity to download your contact details. Whether it’s a support video for customers or a video demo for prospects, any audience can benefit from being able to download key contact details to stay connected.

At Events

Someday (hopefully) in the near future, it will be safe to return to a staple for networking: the conference floor. However, these events may be very different from how we left them. Minimizing physical contact is going to be the name of the game and Touchless Contact is ready to handle it.

Anyone you meet can scan your QR code right from your device and add your Touchless Contact card right into the contacts app of their phone for future connecting. It’s easy, safe, and convenient for you and them. Best of all: no physical contact required!

Opportunities exist everyday for us to connect; we just have to find them. With Touchless Contact, be confident that you’re prepared to shine with any connection that comes your way, whether it be virtual or in-person.

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